not been defcribed. Such, for example* is that which you fee,
according to its natural bulk, and alfo magnified by the micro-
fcope in PI. V II. fig- 8. 9. which would refemble an egg cut
at the top, i f it were not fpirall.y ftriated from the bottom to the
circumference of'the mouth. The infeit, that inhabits this ffiell
has no operculum o f any kind ; it is altogether black as a coal,
which renders it extremely difficult to diftinguiffi the very minute
parts. In the fame manner is found the white microfcopic
Nautilus defcribed by Bianchi in his celebrated work * D e con-
■chis minus notis. The cultivated land contiguous to this lake is
white, and produces abundantly.
Three ffiort miles from the lake o f Zablachie is the fal-t lake o f
Morigne, communicating with the fea by means o f a natural canal,
which itretches within land oppofite to the iiland of Cra-
pano. I t is about three miles in circuit j the mouth a hundred
and fifty feet broad i and its bottom, which is overgrown with
fea-weed, is, for the moft part, muddy, and fo ihallow, that, at
low water, the tops o f thefe weeds appear, in many places, on a
level with the water. The perennial llream o f Ribnich, that runs
into it, invites the fiffi thither, and the excellent feed they meet
with, detains them. It would be very eafy to make a clofe fiffi-
pond o f this lake, from whence plenty o f all forts o f fiffi might
be obtained, with much greater advantage than the extent of the
ipot feems to promife. There are two rocks towards the weft
fide o f Morigne, on which, in former times, there muft
have been buildings, for many fquared ftones, and the foundation
o f walls, are ftill to be feen. Perhaps from thefe remains
the vulgar tradition had its rife, that, a city had been
fwallowed up in the fituation now occupied by the water.
X 2 T he
* jam Planet Arimineniis De conchis minus notis*