feline g fau v fte ft coloured:, and lifted j this is not found in large
ft'ratk, ’but in 'groups;: lik»‘ the ftalatftiiiCal marbles, which ate alfo
common there. * Very large ftrataafefeen o f a fpecies of' luma- '
cfiettay'^n bb^ift'ttt'dfe 'cttr'iousdU theeybs^of a ntftUfalift;“ than
Valuable tb'the ftone cutter; ' :ifs'v|rbUUd l^’ o f'a ' fullied White
Jatid its mbftaiifce'figid'i 'lhd fragtpehts of 'marine bodies
dil^pfdd fti^lizbhtaTiy in rt,. kre ebdnged into a yellowidi fpar.
T n afTpe^^of'ihaibifc’ftorieW0iBiidt'red'bblciur,'Which a fV e nice
W fflffb 3S-v«r/arV4(bedatffica' quantity of
if"isBbM%fifffdin!fbViM|pib'd§fh8c^ W th^cil'y1- o f 'Cattliro} i&
«g?yJc6mm'6tt 'ih liefina; - and thefS'i^iaiFb 'jiIeiifys o'f curillated
iwccidl in the fpots of w h ich d :reddifhand’’violet Colour predo-
SsSBfSj; 'theftoiies o f 'Which thiS:rlaft' fpecies ‘ is eompofed, are
the characters o f a long fluitatioh, This
breccia ordinarily occupies the fummit o f the mountains i and thus
renders more evident the ancient adhefion o f the iilands with the
riSignbburifig’ e&ntiMent, "on WKdfei Heights the’fame*kind o f fub-
ftance may be obicrved. ’ You are:cbUvinced as well as 1 am,
that, before roundedgi'avei eoulcbbe Formed1, it was - -necCffary
that high mountains pre-exifted, from which the torrents might
feparate them’, :atid ctlfry them away ; and feeing in? the rounded
ftories'oTlhe;femh:,' tliitt are found on the mountains- o f the
iihind, marine hodie's-'pf tr ified i-t becomes: indlfpenfable to place
thd feat of' ’-Sh'aiiciette Tea Upon:thofe5 mountains npw deftroyed,
from'-whehcfPtho'gtahll defis&iotedi „'Tt-ls true/: vtha’t this bufi-
nefs of fabrication1 and dcftruifion requires,Torne length o f time;
hut We cannot help dliat. But how- the immerife beds o f gravel
WbughVdfoWffiby risers and torrents*,'I’of fFarffphrted and mixed
by the marine waters, have been abandoned by the fea; and in-
traded by new rivers and’torrents, which transformed the continued
plains into mountains, and hills cut and fubdivided by val-
, leys
levs: how the layers and torrent? were deprived iof(;yyatpt» ¿ftT
the deftrudtion of the more .ancient fnountaipSj, ftpni whpptf
the gravel had beep, carried, down,: ?nd l^ow, ,ip,.tj>e .great
chafms,and -valleys, a. new fea Has, h.een.anpfpdneedp: |
not te ll; - though thefe^it. events mui^ haVje ^ppepe^ygry .n^.ar
our age, in compariion o f the It would be: truly;a wHpp*
fical enterprife to fet,ppp’s nfplf ppirpqfely to explain, hpyy,;fan^
when all the reyplupions-uWprgopeHx,fthg*fpr^ce ,..a)pnq,rp f ; pur
globe have come to pari. The number o f themthatqould be
proved by the.obfervaiions o f dijigentjand.uj^gudiced.nptpraliiis
would alarm a .thoufand.Browalls, who perhaps ^io^d.popppmc
to terms, and coptent jHffpfplyp^tp lBt pllthplVrpyplutionahap.v
pen rapidly one^ftprranptHerjipafiHorpirpppdcftfiiP-Sffi»
a lover o f peace would' hardly wenture-to.pbjpidjagpmftiuicb, aa
expedient.,; jejHuOiri sdi 1o simmtA erfi aaiqnooo ylhsnibio d n w i
Srii rfiiw gbnfihi exb do noHsirihfi insions arii Jnobivo oiom siobnsy
I cplle&ed on tlie fliore o f Lefina, ..yellow,, ngyeen; and red
dints; all penetrated by a pyritiGal:deHromo^hous,ftvior-i: r,n I® ¡Jib*
fmall rock o f Borovaz there are heaps o f folfri,Hones.s-;;-
¿•d^y;>.s " • .*• ' ■ - t I* , gin jjsf^
The town o f Lefina gave birth. toftveral learned,men-,in, ,the
JCV century,, whofe names are. recorded; ,by Viaeen-&0',Lrikfyifil \n
his oration recited theredfl) the jreaibMP®?^iWfci»®g3sRfrflf Jfcgtgfc.
Jibus Sclavorum, Two o f them dtftinguifh.edthcmfelves :in> poetry
: (viz) Annibale Lucia, and Pietro Lttareoy'oi tlyeiirft, o f
whom ¡Tome poetical,.pieces¡are printedji^SijiporH-apSjjifpgpej.wgp^s
•of thelaft*.alfo ai;e,s,and maflyfgmajjQin naa^fkjigiy W^Sl1
there, is a tranftatipn of Qvidlspfieflrjj tfnlnfoifo Illyidcj,Kenie,,ypnd
various eclogues;
-linos »d? bwaVohosrt dbitiw .sinanoi'bna aiavit wan ydhabav
: .. ! . ., . U U 2 : - - . 7He