with thè Itrèam efT ifco v c i, dnto the bed o f the largeft torrent;
T h è Tifcdvci, ' or-Tifcóvàzi. Mis into-the black torrent a little
•further up than.the MaracaiT proeeedirig from mount Vulizza,
* and traverfing the1 e'kteniiv'è7 plains ' df Sarb * and- Dugopoglye,
: which fhe VulfZza’and th e 'M l Trubar! divide fròih the pldin o f
Grahavo, bey ond't heVe ne t i ari-c o n fi n és!f ;a nd laftly, not far from
; the heights-of Knin, the flreara Butimfchiza- is augmented by
the' PÌàvhtófehizàyld 'Wikèr deifred0ffttóff Atlie Itili w h ich -commands
thè^pl Ah fef Ftóvhe/hhavitig-firte rè@éivèd‘ the- little torrent
o f Radngh-Potok,; -which' ’in-fo'meòfthe belt" iiiaps, is named-
- Radigliévaz. - T h e confluence- o f To rii any tortents renders the
Bu t imfohi-ziipvery !iiónfey ■;- arid»9 am1 > -apt f*o- -think/ that, frorrr
■ the- iirimenfe-; quantit i e s o f ' ia-nd ‘ land gravel; which,0 a t: its-
mouth, are carried intò the Ketkày OeèafroiM the boggy fiate-
o f the plàih o f1 Kriirt/ which would otherwife- be very fertile;,
and f wonder that this has’ never -been remarked, nor at-
* tended to ’ h y Others. ?1 Pethips the bridgc'Over the torrent, ju f f
- at itsièritfyjirito thè Kerkai contributes y ifb fh o t a little to à’c.-
cumtflate É » ruh'btfh bèfórh'rnènfionedl; This bridge is- about
two hundred geometrical p&cfes- long, and has “ten -arches ; but
-is natrow/’ ilb'jpaVcd/and -dangerous ft# borfes, àValiiioft IÌT
the Trirkithhridgès-a'ré ih thefé parts. ' 'ÌtisyfiobaBle,that, i f the
coofiueneé o f . tire Butimfehizk was Triorfe properly diredted, and;.
removed foihcwhkt lower, the plain c f K-niri, might, in a great
inealvrre/f'he recovered. And I havè: no doubt, that this probab
ility ; ihighf be reduced to a demfetfftraridh/ b ythofe able mete
whom the Government ufes to employ'in fuch cafés..
1 3f u • 3V 0d f i 1321 i f - \8J lO O T 2i { $ I O ttOlVSZO' S i i ? f.H
Six cr eight miles lower,. the river,/which, though-its. channel
is always confideràble, yet is mofily. confined between deep
perpendicular rocks, meets with an impediment at Babovdol, and
forms a finail cafcadc. • T he Honey little ifland,,which there ob-
ftrudls the current-of, the fiy-pr, aiiilfei^bpye kj forms-a/kifid
pf lakgK- and ;P^ufes ;tfee,ich|npeb to-ker^hqa-ked iykh-te?d*, i and
other fuch marfhy jjlfnt*,). - .Befi4ese ,,thp ° f
the waters conftantly.tends tOr.raife the bed,. which is diyidedLby
the Ifland o f Babovdol, and oiniequentjly -.tl/p? watei;s;b£:£Omfeg
daily higher, frequentlyjoj^rflqw t^ .MpeighbflWhS9,4v<<ifllKi?iP»
to the great detriment ,q f ; the; .inhabitants.q ROB
river was certainly pot thqs.neglpdted in th&,times, o f the ilprjlfps-!
for .not many_;ypafs,. aggj djggmg there, i.fljey tfepnd i.Jjyfifed
feyen feet under groimd,;an.sr,chiira}!e,aqd cdtnipp,-cdaQcfeefc.ro^-
b le ,.. elegantly aftotn^d feidilhafirreiiefgjifleprefenthiigrfitftiiorffiipf
flowers, tortoifts, crocodiles, an-dyother amphibions animals«
This probably Hood above the gate o f lame pica fine houfe.j- T he
friars of Knin conveyed it to.theiij.cpnyeitt, and broke and man -
gled it, accordiag;tpptjtq c-uftom< e f rejsgiop*, baEbarifnji. in ordeF
to make fomc ornament arother.tothef;htjrcb,; Supppibig then»
that the bed was adfually deepened fe ven or eight feet more ¡than
it is, .and the ifland joined to one o f thefhpres, there,would-be
lefs hindrance to navigation, and,the deeper channel only remaining,
the water , jvyquJdi be lefs ¡interrupted arid might be/diredied
in. fuch a mapnet, as/lootendef iinnun^atipns; • very.rare,,.,gnd -lefs ■
dangerous to the CDUg^ry^-. -The dinatiopj.jfalubrity,, and health-
fulnefs of, the air,.qn.the;very fighplains and .heights about Knin,
are objefts o f ,muph;itPEQrta»<;f,/ltii;Ouglj thpgovernment Teems «
hitherto aye ^eflqft^iKtfpon iU-y,., ISfear fhe cafeade p f Babovdol,
in the crevices o f the-rocks, high above the river, I col-r
ledted Tome fine fpeqimens o f mofs, moft beautifully incrufted.1
There are alfo Pifojithi, :pcfembling, .in ftrufture, .the bezoar o f •
animals; -