word Vril, which in Sckvo.Bianjignifi.es a fountain; and this
etymology, rendering the name o f Vfullia, the Berullia o f Por-
phyrogenitus, analagous to that o f Peguntium, fince TJtiyv and
Vril¡ite. fynonimous,. induces me-to believe, that the caftle named
Peguntium by ancient geographers was fituated in this place, and
not at the mouth o f the Cettina. No remarkable veftiges o f antiquity
now exift, on the fpot; yet it is evident, by the quantity
o f fragments, o f vales, tiles, > and Sepulchral infcriptions now and
then fiug up, , that this ¡tra^ofcoaft-wa&i.- well -inhabited in the
Rqman times. T h e principal caule why the trads o f ancient ha-
bi^tiQuSjpapnot.be.-difcevened ¡abput'Vrullia;; is the ileepnefs o f
the Ipd uboye it, h,and the¡quantity of.Rohe®! brought down-from
thence by the watery p The mouth ¡of -the hollow o f Vrullia is
dreaded by feamen, on account o f the liidden impetuous gulls o f
wind.,th4.t btow from thence, ¡apdi.i in Aamiteient, raife a kind o f
hurricane in the channel between the,Ptimorie and the illand of
.Bffiflsai ntqrthejgteat.da^get:p f barkslfuiiprifed b y it.
hnoitd hemasl iuO ItitdikT srli Hid b ra srrtoo ol mu! gm
;r : i X r ° r r t tbis plape,r: <?,»»*$*, nvvhofe chart o f Dalmatia
is adopted as -one of the. heft, places the mouth o f a river,
\ y h . i c h . frflin.tlvi h k fiefP ro lo fa z,. by him called Bref-
^ut whoever knows the continuity and height o f the
mountain Dinara cannot admit even the poffibility o f fuch a ri-
yer, Many writers on Illyrian affairs, .and leveral geographers,
have copied this error ; and likewife the pretended illand o f the
rivet» Cettina neat- its mouth, W innumerable other mutilations
c f Mm;es,us>ahd diMriceis. i 1 ? S lw j
, , , r v, O f the Pa k la r a , or R f i t d R a o f the Latins. ‘
to which you may
give that, degree ¡of fadtRvihiehybu think it merits. You have
often read, in ancient naturalills, o f wonderful things done by
the Remora, or Echeneis, and not without fome furprife will
have learnt Pliny’s ftory, who, after having told us, on the
faith o f another, how Anthony was retarded on his voyage by
means o f this fiih, afferts pofitively, that a ihip with Caligula
on board and four hundred rowers, was aflually ftopt by one of
thofe filhes, while the rell of the fleet went on at a great rate.
When I read this, I contented myfelf to ihrug up my Ihouldefs,
without perplexing my brain to find out by what nktSrin priii-
ciple, or matter of fadt, fuch an opinión could become fd' gede-
rally received, that a man o f fenfe, as : Pliny cértainly^wtó,
ffiould affirm it in politive terms. * But chance Téd'ffief&tkb
difcovery.' We were -failiiiig'in a frhall hatk bctwbeá' T r ull id
and Almilla with a ftélh eqüalcgMébdffthé íaftlerni>t^.'''''PBe;’mí-
riners were ¿all atreftpia&ditbé'íleerfmíffbió'fíéi d^'iWafep'dffd
attended in frlence m-thá diredíitíff o f thébkrlt; 5óftú¡h?8ñ"Vfíllíden,
we heard him- call .¡11 ou¿1 to one o f his roíTibáiiidna,'- orridr-
ing him to come and kill the Paklara. Our learned friend
• Signor Guilh Bajamoftti ^aV:-With: ih'f, ^kdd'^uhdíllííiíáing
what the man meant,- defiréd him to ffiev^bim' therlife;3th‘kt: he
wanted to be killed, but the-fiilv- was^ gone'. Ídavih^díiiéfrdga'ted
.ujar.r ri->íú fto nsivsuimbfi ionnsu mrmCI tiustw. r¡
. - * Ruant vtnti licet. & jítviant‘ procéUesjechenrt^) imperM’ Ju/tirii 'Pirefquc tantas
tompefcit, et cogitJíajqe navigia-^Rerturaitiqco, marts tenuifdpmltriainnStlst'm Hhtdnii
pnperantis circumire, Ü ixhntarifuos, K » ‘ rrffftihÍníñlfa?ls3v/é*m!d3 Gafari-
ana ctafs ímpetu ntáforé 'pntinus vemi. Tmult fif nojra memoria 'Catt
ajlura antium remigantis. Nic longafuit illius morJad^irJtto, flSSn caufa mtelleila
■ quum t tota daft quinquaremisfola non prrfcent. Exilientibns pretinas quiid quxre-
rent circa navim tnvenirunp adlqaqeqten>; ^fymqculr, rejiflederintpit '€¿io indignante
hoc fuife quod f t revocar et quqdringentorumque remigum\obfiquio contra, Je iqtercedcret.
SfM tunc, pojitaque m in t turn ÍmatitMg\téd J t^ ilP ^ ffifÁ r lÜ l^'&%J?risquídam
Minis &™ram appdlaveueum1]J<fifimfMf)T!lztml&. k'xSSf,%S-'Ki:t‘ i 37ij.