above the fuperfioies o f the current. I have been told that the
-Bofnians make ufe o f this water to cure tertian agues; and that
when put in veflels and tranfported, it depofed a ferruginous
-feditnent, &c. According to the accounts of many who have frequently
travelled in Boflina, it is a country well furnifhed with
mineral mountains; and they fay it has rich mines o f gold and
fdver. The place where they are found goes by the name o f
Srebrarniza, which means, country, or ¡land o f jibocr, being derived
from the word Srebro, which flgnifies fdver, in all the
-Sclavonian dialedts. I had a fpecimen o f that mine, and it re-
fembles the native filver o f Potofi. It is in fmall thin leaves like
mofs, and is found combined with pure yellowi(h quartz, but
unmixed with it. Many other things were related to me concerning
the 'foffil history o f Boflina, but I think it improper
•to mention them, upon the fimple report o f others, I know
by experience, that in fads o f natural hiftory, a prudent incredulity
is very requiiite.
I f the minute details into which I have occafionaslly entered,
have appeared fometimes tedious, I hope you will not reproach me
on that account. Exait precifion is the firft quality of an obferver
who aims at national advantage, by pointing out the places which
want cultivation, and the advancement o f natural fcience, by de-
fcribing the productions of nature. Beiides thefe objedts, I thought
it my duty alfo to redtify the mistakes which authors, who have
wrote about this country, have fallen into; and I have confu-1 ted
the convenience o f travellers, by indicating popular reports
which I found to be faife. Nor have I omitted to mention
the remains o f ancient fettlements, though that belongs rather
to the antiquary, than to the naturalift. I have, indeed, more
readily taken notice o f them, as they give a jufter idea o f Dal- '
matia than ‘we have generally entertained ; for i f it were that
horrid country which it is often reprefented to be, fo many Roman
colonies would not have been planted in. it.
Although I am not ignorant o f the little influence o f any. publication,
nor o f the great prevalence o f prejudice,, yet I cannot
help expreffing my hopes, that my travels in thefe parts may,,
at fome period or other, ,be o f ufe,and advantage to the-Dalmatian
nation ; and I fhould think, myfelf the moil fortunate of.
travellers, if, before I terminate my exiilence here on earth, I-
were, convinced that I had not exifted in, vain.