[ i o 8 3 ]
A S A R U M europium.
Gen. Char. Cal 3-cleft, Handing on the germen.
Cor. none. Stam. 12. Cap/, coriaceous, of 6
cells, crowned with the calyx. Stigma in 6
Spec. Char. Leaves two, kidney-fhaped, obtufe.
S y n . Afarum europseum. Linn. Sp. PI. 633*
Fl. Brit. 509. Hudf. 205. With. 44°■ Hull. 104«
Woodv. Med. Bot. t. 86. Dickf. Dr. Pi. 7.
Afarum, Raii Syn. 158.
W E are indebted to the Rev. Charles Abbot, D.D. for wild
fpecimens of this very rare plant, gathered by himfelf this
fummer, by the road fide, between Henl'ey and Maidenhead.
It has heretofore been remarked principally in Lancalhire and
its borders.
The Afarabacca grows naturally in fhady fituations, and is
perennial, flowering in May. The root confifts of many
branched fibres, and has a ftrong pungent fmell, fomewhat
refembling pepper and ginger. The ftems are very fliort and
perfectly Ample, bearing a pair only of dark-green, Aiming,
kidney-fhaped, entire, veiny leaves, on long, downy foot-
ftalks. Flower folitary, terminal, drooping, on a fliort, downy
Jflalk, and confining of a downy, dull-purple, pitcher-fhaped
calyx, cut into three lobes, and crowning a roundilh germen,
which becomes a leathery capfule, containing fix feeds in as
many cells. * The ftamina, which are Angularly beaked, and
the 6 -cleft Itigma, are concealed in the bottom of the calyx,
and like it in colour.
The leaves have a pungent fmell, different from that of the
root, and their powder is ufed in medicine to promote fneeze-
ing. The root is faid to be emetic. In natural affinities and
qualities this plant comes near Arijlolochia.
O ct'7. Jj8<n Publghed h- Ja sSnmiyL*nJ>>n