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L A M IU M amplexicaule.
Henbit Dead-nettle.
DIDYNAMIA Gymnoffermia.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, its teeth awl-fhaped, fpread-
ing. Upper lip of the Corolla undivided, vaulted ;
lower 2-lobcd ; orifice inflated, toothed at each
Spec. Char. Floral leaves felfile, obtufe, embracing
the Hem.
Syn. Lamium amplexicaule. Linn. Sp. FI. 809. Sm.
Fl. Brit. 627. Hudf. 255. With. 527. Hull. 13a.
Relh. 226. Sibth. 184. Abbot. 128. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 2. t. 46.
L. folio caulem ambiente majus et minus. Rail
Syn. 240.
T h e leaft general of the three Britifh fpecies of Lamium
is the amplexicaule. It is found only in dry fandy barren
fields, or on walls, where it flowers from the middle or end of
February till June. The early blofioms, though otherwife perfect,
and fertile, have an abortive corolla, which never expands;
but, being always clofed, perhaps more effectually fhelters
the flamina from the moifture of the feafon. Its red velvet tip
is a beautiful objeCt, and marks the plant at a diftance. The
Angularly rounded and lobed floral leaves, generally pale at
their bafe, alfo characterize this fpecies. The root is annual.
Herb about the fize of L. rubrum, with Items, as in that,
but thinly clothed with leaves in the lower part. Pollen of a
vermilion hue.