T E U C R I U M Chamzedrys.
Wall Germander.
D I D Y N A MI A Gymnofpermia.
Gen. Char. Upper lip of the corolla divided down
below its bafe and divaricated. Stamina projecting
above it.
Spec. Char. Leaves on footftalks, fomewhat ovate,
deeply crenate or cut. Flowers axillary, three together,
ftalked. Stem round, hairy,
Syn. Teucrium Chamsedrys. Linn. Sp. PI. 7 9 0 . Sm.
FI. Brit. 6 0 7 . Hudf. 2 4 7 . With. 5 1 8 . Sibth.
1 7 9 . Abbot. 1 2 5 . Woodv. Suppl. t. 2 4 3 .
Chamasdrys vulgaris feu fativa. Rail Syn. 2 3 1 .
J^.AY obferved this plant occafionally in the borders of fields
remote from buildings, and yet durft not aflert it to be indigenous.
It feems to have been formerly much cultivated in gardens
for medical ufe, being ah approved deobftruent and expectorant,
and pofiibly efcaped from thence 3 for it has certainly
no where in England the appearance c>f a genuine native,
though introduced into all our Floras. Its favourite litu-
ation is a ruined wall. Sherard found it plentifully on Win-
chelfea cattle. It grows in profufion on the infide of the city
wall between Magdalen and St. Auftin’s gates, Norwich, from
whence our fpecimens came, flowering in July and Auguft.
Root creeping, perennial. Stem buthy, nearly upright, 6
or 8 inches high, round, leafy, hairy. Branches and leaves
oppofite 5 the latter ovate, varioufly cut and crenate, tapering
at the bafe into a foot-ftalk, and clothed with a few hairs.
Flowers axillary, about 3 on each fide, and forming a leafy
fpike. Each Hands on a fimple fhort Italk. Calyx campanula
te, hairy. .Corolla reddifh-purple. Lower lip with a large
round concave central lobe, and 2 fmall {harp lateral ones;
what (hould be the upper lip confifts of 2 other ereCt parallel
very fharp lateral lobes, between which the ftamina and ftyle
project upwards, forming the ftriking generic character of
T e u c r i u m . Seeds 4, naked, Whole herb very bitter.