E U P H O R B I A amygdaloides.
D O D E C A N D R I A Trigynla:
Gen. Char. Cor. of 3 or 4 petals, Handing on the
calyx. Cal. of one leaf, inflated. Capf. three-lobed.
Spec. Char. Flower-ftalks fcattered and umbellate,
cloven. Involucra perfoliate, orbicular. Leaves
Syn. Euphorbia amygdaloides. Linn. Sp. PI. 662.
Hudf. FI. An. 210. With. Bot. Arr. 499. Relh.
Cant. 186. Sibth. Oxon. 152.
Tithymalus characias amygdaloides. Rati Syn. 312.
T h is is found in woods, groves and thickets, frequently and
plentifully, more efpeciaily in a clay foil. It begins to flower in
March, and continues fome time. The leaves are almoft
ever-green, though of a foft delicate texture, and the whole
plant is of an elegant habit and appearance, fomewhat fhrubby.
Root perennial. Stems feveral, 2 feet high, Ample, curved,
round, flefhy, downy, often red; naked below, leafy above.
Leaves alternate, thick-fet, fpreading, obovato-Janceolate, entire,
blunt, downy, paler beneath. Flowers fmall, yellow, on
forked flower-ftalks, of which the lower ones are axillary (the
leaves which accompany them being more or lefs coloured, fer-
rated, and refembling trailerJ, the uppermoft about 5 together
in a terminal umbel. The anther a are formed of two
Angular wedge-fhaped lobes. Every part abounds with acrid
milk. There is a variegated variety kept in green-houfes.