DIDYNAMIA Gymnofpermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, its teeth awl-thaped, fpread-
ing. Upper lip of the Corolla undivided, vaulted ;
lower 2-lobed; orifice inflated, toothed at each
Spec. Char. Leaves heart-thaped, blunt, ftalked j
the uppermofl: cluttered together.
Syn. Lamium purpureum. Linn. Sp. PI. 809. Sm.
Fl.Brit.62y. Hudf. 255. With. $ 27. Hull. 131.
Relh. 226. Sibth. 183. Abbot. 128. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 1. t. 42. Mart. Fl. Ruß. t. 25. Dick’f. H.
Sicc.fafc. 16. 20.
L. rubrum. Rail Syn. 240.
T H I S is no lefs common a weed in cultivated ground than
the L. album in untilled places, and may be found in flower
from March to June ; very frequently throughout the autumn.
Root annual. Whole plant but half the fize of the laft-
defcribed. Stems afcending ; leafy and a little branched .below,
then naked, but thickly clothed with leaves in the upper part.
Leaves broad-heartfhaped, not pointed, unequally crenate.
Flowers purple. Antherse, or rather pollen, of the colour of
red lead. Sometimes the corolla is white, and then the fcarlet
pollen is very confpicuous. The calyx is often purplilh.
A variety, for fo from long obfervation we deem it, with
cut leaves, has been defcribed as a fpecies by Dr. Withering
by the name of dijfetlum. There is alfo a more rare variety
with entire leaves, refembling thofe of a Parietaria, which
appears by a manufcript of the late learned Profeflor Martyn
fen. to have been firft found near Sudbury by a Mr. Jofeph
Andrews. This laft is a weed in Chelfea garden.
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