EUPHORBIA exigoua.
Dw arf Spurge.
B0DECANDR1A Trigynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of 1 leaf, inflated, inferior. Nec*
taries 4 or 5, standing on the calyx. Caps, stalked,
Spec. Char. Umbel of three dichotomous rays. Partial
involucra lanceolate. Leaves linear.
Syn. Euphorbia exigua. Linn. Sp. Pl. 654. Sm. Fl.
Brit. 515. Buds. 208. With. 447. Hull. 105.
Lightf. 250. Relh. 183. Sibth. 151. Abbot. 105.
Curt. Lond.fasc. 4. t. 36. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 9. 6.
Wade Dubl. 131*
Tithymalus leptophyllos. Raii Syn. 313.
T h i s , the smallest British Euphorbia, occurs sometimes in
gravelly corn-fields, flowering in July. We have gathered it at.
Battersea, Harefield, and other places about London, as well
as in Norfolk. Dr. Wade finds it about Dublin; in Scotland
it is rare.
The root is small and annual. -Stem one, or more, erect,
from 3 to 6 inches high, round, leafy. Whole herb smooth,
of a pale, somewhat glaucous, green. Leaves alternate, sessile,
linear-lanceolate, upright, acute, entire. General umbel
of 3 or 4, rarely 5, rays, which are repeatedly forked. General
and partial involucra lanceolate. Nectaries 4, roundish, yellowish
brown, each with a pair of green horns. Capsule
smooth. Seeds quadrangular, rugged.
We presume the Tithymalus segetum longifolius, Raii
Syn. 312, can be nothing else than a variety of this plant;
which we have , found to vary in the size of all its parts ac •
cording to the richness of the soil.