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A N E M O N E Pulfatilla.
Pafque Flower.
P O Î j 7T A N D R 2 A Polygynia,
Gên. Char. Calyx none. Petals fix or nine. Seeds
Spec. Char. Flower folitary, with an involucrum on
its ftalk. Petals erect. Seeds with tails. Leaves
bipin nate, cut.
Syn. Anemone Pulfatilla. Linn. Sp. PI. 759. pju^
FI. An. 236. RelS. Cant. 208. fig. With. Bot.
Art-. 565.
Pulfatilla folio crafliore & majore flore. Rail Syn. 260.
PP L E N T I F U L in high chalky paftures in feveral parts of
England, efpecially about Newmarket heath ; from whence our
fpecimen was taken. It is a plant of great beauty, and thrives
well in a garden on a dry foil. The flowers appear early in
May* The filvery plumes of the feeds which fucceed them
are likewife a beautiful objeft.
The herb is fo acrid as to blifter the lkin, like fome fpecies
of Ranunculus ; but fuch blifters are far more difficult to heal
than thofe raifed by Spanilh flies. Goats eat it, as they do
many other acrid vegetables.
The foreign fpecies of Anemone are but ill underftood,
though our four Britilh ones are fufficiently diftinguilhable.