[ 524 ] / y o
S C U T E L L A R I A minor.
Lejffer Skull-cap,
D I D Y N A M. I A Gymnofpermia»
G en. Char. Cal. rim nearly entire, clofed and covered
with a lid after flowering.
Spec. Char. Leaves heart-ovate, nearly entire. Flowers
Syn. Scutellaria minor. Linn. Sp. PL 835. Hudf.
265. With. 54°. Curt. Lond.fafc. 4./. 43. Dickf.
H. Sicc. fafc.'5, 6.
Caffida paluftris minima, flore purpurafcente. Ran
Syn. 244.
A MUCH rarer plant than the laft. It is however found
on feveral moift heaths near London, as well as in Norfolk, and
the more mountainous counties, flowering about Auguft.
Root creeping, perennial. Whole habit much refembling
the S. galericulata, but it is in every part a fmaller plant; the
ftem'is branched more from the bottom, the leaves broader in
proportion to their length, and not rugged ; they are for the
moft part perfectly entire, though fometimes found with a deep
notch or two at their bafe, fo as to become fomewhat haftate.
This variety was firft pointed out to us on Barnes Common by
G. Hibbert, Efq. F.L.S. Mr. Curtis has figured .the entire
leaves only. The flowers are not half fo large as in the galericulata,
and of a delicate pink colour, rarely blueifh ; their lip
white fpotted with red.
This haftate variety confirms the accuracy of Linnaeus’s remark
concerning the great affinity between this fpecies, the
galericulata, and the hajtifolia. The latter indeed cannot be
confounded with this, having real haftate leaves, and being as
large in all its parts as the galericulata, from which it is known
at firft fight by the leaves not being crenate.