[ 2292 ]
NUPHAR minima.
Least Nuphar.
G e n . C h a r . Calyx of 5 or 6 leaves. Petals numerous,
inserted, with the stamens, into the receptacle,
bearing honey at their backs. Stigma with
radiating furrows, sessile. Berry superior, of
many cells. Seeds numerous.
S p e c . C h a r . Calyx of five leaves. Stigma toothed.
Footstalks two-edged. Lobes of the leaves rather
Syn. Nymphasa lutea 0 ; minima. Willd, Sp. PI.
» .2 . 1151.
D i s c o v e r e d by Mr. W . Borrer in the lake on the
Highland mountain Ben Cruachan. From his native specimen,
well preserved, and his coloured sketch of the stigma, taken
on the spot, our figure is drawn. Few more interesting
additions to the British Flora have lately been made. We
take advantage of it to establish in our work the genus Nuphar,
first adopted from Dioscorides, in Prodr. FI. Grcec. v. 1. 3 61,
which embraces the yellow kinds of Water-Lily, see t. 1 5 9 ;
and is clearly distinguished, by the above characters, from
the true Nymphexa of that ancient author, see t. 160; to
which the white and rose-coloured kinds belong, as will appear
in the new edition of the valuable IJortus Kewensis.
Mr. Salisbury determined that the nectary of these last is a globe
in the centre of the stigma, while that of Nuphar is at the
backs of the petals.
The present species differs from Nuphar lutea, t. 159, in
its much smaller size, the flowers being but the bigness of the
Trollius, t. 28, and especially in its deeply-toothed, green-
bordered, stigma, and compressed footstalks. The leaves are
somewhat silky beneath, and their lobes rather spreading or