R E S E D A Luteola.
Dyer s-weed, or Yellow-weed.
D O D E C A N D R I A Trlgynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of one leaf, divided. Petals jagged.
Cayf. of one cell, open at the top.
Spec. Char. Leaves lanceolate, entire, with one
tooth on each fide at the bafe. Calyx in 4 feg-
Syn. Refeda Luteola. Linn. Sp. PI. 643. HudJ. FI.
An. 207, With, Bot, Arr. 492. Relh. Cant.
184. Sibth. Ox. 130,
Luteola, Rail Syn. 366,
F O U N D chiefly on wafte ground, walls and fimilar places,
plentifully about Norwich, where it is ufed in the woollen manufactory
for dyeing yellow and green, The entire plant when
about flowering is employed for that purpofe. It is an annual,
and flowers about Mjdfummer.
Root fmall and taper. Stem 2 or 3 feet high, ere£t, thick,
fomewhat angular, branched, leafy. Leaves alternate, lanceolate,
obtufe, entire, fmooth. Spikes terminating the branches,
confifting of numerous pale greenifh flowers without much
fmell. Calyx in 4 fegments. Petals 3, the uppermoft 3-lobed,
its middle lobe cloven ; the lateral ones Ample or 3-lobed,
Neftary on the upper fide of the flower, notched, greenifh.
Stamina numerous, hanging down. Valves of the capfule acute,
with 3 yellowifh intermediate appendages.
There is a variety mentioned by Ray with curled or undulated
leaves. The gaping capfule of this genus is remarkable.