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B E T O N I C A officinalis.
Wood Betony.
DID Y A AM I A Gymnofpermia.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, awned. Upper lip of the
corolla afcending, flattifh ; lower 3 -c le ft; tube
Spec. Char. Spike interrupted. Middle fegment
of the lower lip notched.
Syn. Betonica officinalis. Linn. Sp. PI. 810. Sm.
FI.Brit. 632. Hudf.it)8. With. $0)0. Hull. 131.
Relh. 233. Sibth. 185. Abbot. 130. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 3. t. 33. Woodv. Suppl. t. 241.
Betonica. Raii Syn. 238.
N o t rare in woods and thickets, where it flowers m
July and Auguft.
Root perennial, fomewhat woody. Whole herb rough
with rigid hairs, to which, as is well obferved in the Difpen-
fatory, the power of the dried plant to procure fneezing is
owing, and not to any internal quality. The ftem is Ample,
fquare, almoft leaflets. Radical leaves on long flalks, ovate,
ferrated; the uppermoft oblong, oppoflte, nearly feflile.
Spike terminal, obtufe, formed of feveral whorls, the lower-
moft generally remote from the reft, and accompanied by a
pair of leaf-like braftese. Small entire braftere alfo accompany
each flower. Corolla of a dull rofe- colour, downy,
occaflonally pale or white; its lower lip generally cloven,
fometimes only crenate.
Great virtues formerly attributed to the Betony are now
difbelieved, and it is never ufed by our phyflcians. The
herbage is faid to be mildly aftringent, and the root emetic
and purgative. The fmell is faintly aromatic.