lo o j [ 260 ]
ANT I RRHI N UM Linaria, var. Peloria.
Deformed Yellow Toad-fax.
D ID T N A M IA Angiofpermia•
G en. Char. Cal. five-leaved. Cor. with a prominence
at its bafe pointing downwards and bearing
honey. Cap/. two-celled.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear-lanceolate, crowded.
Stem ereft. Spikes terminal. Flowers imbricated.
Calyx fmooth.
■ß Flowers regular, with 5 equal ftamina and 5 nectaries.
S yn. Antirrhinum Linaria, Peloria. Linn. Sp. PI.
8 5 9 . HudJ. FI. An. 273. With. Bot. Air. 6 4 8 .
Curt. F L Lond.fafc. 6.
received a living fpecimen of this Angular variety or
monftrofity from the garden of Mr. Ordoyno at Newark, who
obtained the root wild from a wood in Lincolnfhire. Mr.
Curtis had it from the fame fource, and informs us it increafes
much by root, and fometimes bears feeds. Whether the plants
which they produce likewife bear monftrous flowers, is as yet
unknown, but it is probable they would not, varieties of ftruc-
ture being far lefs frequently propagated by feed than varieties
of colour. All ideas of this being a mule production, much
lefs a diftindt genus, are now exploded. Dr. Smith and others
have obferved the fame transformation in many Britifh and
exotic fpecies of Antirrhinum, with naturally fliaped flowers
from the very fame root, and Bignonia radicans fometimes
varies with a regular corolla and $ equal ftamina. YY c have
mentioned, p. 207, a fimilar very curious monftroflty in Ga-
leopfis Tetrahit.
Every part of the plant before us agrees exaftly with the
common A. Linaria, except the corolla and ftamina. Root
creeping, whitifh. Stems erect, round, 2 feet or more in
height. Leaves linear, fmooth, fomewhat glaucous, thickly
fet along the ftem. Spikes terminating the Item and branches;
of numerous flowers, with a lanceolate bracrtea to each. Calyx
fmooth. But inftead of the natural ringent corolla with one
fpur, the flower is tubular, with 5 fpurs at the bafe, and the
orifice clofed and purfed up, with a reflexed five-cleft margin.
Stamina 5, equal, attached to the corolla, and alternate with its
fpurs. Germen and ftyle in the natural ftate. It flowers in
June and July.