R E S E D A lutea.
Wild Mignonette, or Bafe Rocket.
D O D E C A N D R I A Trtgynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. of one leaf, divided. Petals jagged.
Cap/, o f one cell, open at the top.
Spec. Char. All the leaves with three fegments; the
lowermoft pinnate.
Syn. Refeda lutea. Linn. Sj>. PI. 645. Hudf. FI. An.
207. With. Bot. Arr. 493. Relh. Cant. 184.
Sibth. Ox. 151.
R. vulgaris. Rati Syn. 366.
Tins fpecies is rather lefs general than the preceding, being
confined to chalk countries, where however it grows very
abundantly, and is very ornamental, flowering from June to
the end of autumn.
Root annual, ftrong and woody in fubftance. Stems feve-
ral, branching into a thick bufhy tuft, round, fmooth, leafy.
Leaves alternate, in three or more linear undulated pointed
fegments, paler beneath; the lower ones once or even twice
pinnated. Spikes terminating the branches, of numerous ful-
phur-coloured flowers. Calyx in fix fegments. Petals fix,
Angularly lobed as exprefled in our figure. Neftary green.
The Refeda crifpa gallica of Boccone and Ray feems to be
a very trivial variety, having leaves a little more curled, and,
in confequence of a mild climate or feafon, living through the
winter, as happens to other fpecies of this genus.