CISTUS polifolius.
White Mountain Cistus.
G en. Char. Cal. of 5 leaves, 2 of which are smaller
than the rest. Petals 5. Caps, superior, angular,
with 3 valves and many seeds.
Spec. Char. Shrubby, procumbent, with blunt stipulas.
Pubescence starry. Leaves oblong, revolute,
white and downy beneath.
Syn. Cistus polifolius. Linn. Sp. PI. 745. Sm. FI.
Brit. 576. Huds. 234. With. 492. Hull. 118.
Chamæcistus montanus, polii folio. Raii Syn. 342.
Helianthemum montanum, polii folio incano, flore
candido. Dill. Elth. 175. 1 .145. f . 172.
w ILD specimens of this very rare plant have been obligingly
sent us by the Rev. Aaron Neck, from Babbicombe near
Newton Abbot, Devonshire. Its only British station hitherto
recorded is on Brent downs, Somersetshire. It is said to blossom
in June and July.
In general habit this species is closely allied to the preceding,
but differs in many essential points. The stems are hoary,
with close-pressed hairs. The pubescence, loosely scattered
over the upper surface of the leaves, and densely clothing the
under, is all curiously radiated like little stars : a very important
mark. The ribs of the calyx bear similar starry hairs.
Mr. Sowerby has observed the stipulae to be more obtuse than
in C. Helianthemum. The petals moreover are white, with a
yellowish claw, and generally more crenatethan in that species.
We have not examined this plant alive, so as to observe the
irritability of the stamina, but should expect it to agree in
that respect with the foregoing, to which it is so nearly akin.