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RANUNCULUS hederaceus.
Ivy Crowfoot.
PQLYANDR1A Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-leaved. Petals 5, with a honeybearing
pore on the inside of the claw of each.
Seeds naked.
Spec. Char. Leaves roundish-kidneyshaped, with three
or five lobes, entire, smooth. Stem creeping.
Syn. Ranunculus hederaceus. Linn. Sp. PI. 781.
Sm. FI. Brit. 595. Huds. 243. With. 507.
Hull. 122. Relh. 217. Sibth. 175. Abbot. 123.
Curt. Lond. fasc. 4 . t. 39. '
R. aquatilis hederaceus albus. Rail Syn. 249.
SH A L LOW rivulets, and inundated places, often produce this
little plant, yet it is not one most generally noticed, either in
this country or other parts of Europe. We find it in Hyde
park and Tothill fields, flowering from June to September.
The roots are perennial. The floating, branched, spreading
stems throw out many fibrous radicles as they go, and
bear numerous, opposite or alternate, long-stalked leaves, of a
roundish kidney-shape, with 3 or 5 shallow lobes, and an entire
edge. The whole herb is juicy, smooth and shining.
Disk of the leaves sometimes marked with a brown spot.
Flower-stalks simple, solitary, either axillary, or opposite to
the leaf-stalks. Petals small, oblong,, white, with yellow
claws. Stamens from 5 to 10, scarcely more. Seeds numerous,
roundish, rugged. This is next akin to R. aquatilis,
t. 101, but very distinct from all the varieties of that species.