/U ) [ 357 3
D î D Y N A JM 1 A Anglofp ermia,
Gen. Char. Cal. five-cleft. Cor. five-cleft, equal.
Stamina approaching each other in pairs. Cap/.
with one cell, two valves, and many feeds.
Spec. Char.
Syn. Limofella aquatica. Linn. Sp. PI. 881. Hudf.
FI. Ah. 276. With. Bot. Arr. 656. Relh. Cant.
245. Sibth. Ox. 197.
Plantaginella paluftris. Raii Syn. 278.
F E W perfons, except the fcrutinizing botanift, obferve this
little plant, which occafionally occurs in muddy places where
water has flagnated during the preceding winter. The Rev.
Mr. Abbot fent it from Bedfordfhire, flowering in the middle
of July.
The root is annual, throwing out naked cylindrical proflrate
runners, which take root at their extremities, and form new
plants. Leaves radical, on long foot-ftalks, fpatulate, fmooth,
entire ; we have not found them involute. Flowers fmall, radical,
on fimple flower-ftalks, which become inflexed as the
fruit ripens. Segments of the calyx {harp, the 2 uppermofl
leaf!: deeply divided. Corolla with a fwelling tube ; the limb in
5 equal fegments, whitifh without, red on the infide, the 2
uppermofl of which are a little inflexed. Stamina afcending,
divaricated in pairs towards each fide of the flower. Style declining,
with a blunt rough fligma. Capfule globular, with a
groove along its upper fide. Seeds very numerous.