io cT ( 69 r )
A N T I R R H I N U M fpurium.
Round-leaved Fluellin,
J)1DY N A M IA Angiofpermia.
G en Char. Cal. in 5 fegments. Cor. with a prominence
at its bafe, pointing downwards and bearing
honey. Capf. 2-celled.
S pec. Char. Leaves ovate, alternate, Stems procumbent.
Syn. Antirrhinum fpurium, Linn. Sf. PL 851. Sm.
Fl. Brit. 657. Hudf. 272. With. 549. Hull. 138,
Relh. 242. Sihth. 194. Abbot. 137, Curt, Lond.
fafc. 3. A 37.
Linaria Elatine di6ta, folio fubrotundo, Rail Syn,
( j r A T H E RED in Shepey ifland September 24, 1797, on
the high cliffs next the fea, where corn fields had lately been,
but which are continually crumbling away. Mr. Curtis has
obferved this fpecies to be rare about London. In Suffolk and
the midland counties it is more frequent. Mrs. Kett has found
it at Seething, Norfolk.
Root fmall, annual. Stems fpreading, foon becoming procumbent,
branched, round, hairy. Leaves numerous, alternate,
on fhort foot-ftalks, of a broad ovate or roundifh figure,
pointed, hairy, moftly entire, with now and then a folitary
notch or tooth. Flower-ftalks axillary, folitary, hairy, fingle-
flowered. Calyx with ovate, pointed, hairy fegments. Corolla
with a recurved fpur, the upper lip violet, lower yellow.
A very young botanift and artift, the fon of Mr. Sowerby,
has difcovered in this and A. Elatine an abortive flamen between
the 2 upper filaments, which appears to be conftant,
and which on examination was found alfo in A. majus, Linaria
and Cymbalaria.
The late Sir John Cullum obferved regular quinquefid flowers
with 5 fpurs and 3 equal ftamina, as in Peloria, in this fpe-
pies; a circumftance mentioned by Hudfon.
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