S1BTH0 RPIA europsea.
Sibthorpia, or Cornijh Money-wort.
D I D Y N A M I A Angiofpermia.
G e n . C h a r . Cal. in 5 divifions. Cor. 5-cleft, irregular.
Stam. approaching each other in pairs.
Cap/, compreffed, inverfely heart-fhaped, of 2 cells,
with tranfverfe partitions.
S p e c . C h a r . Leaveskidney-fhaped, fomewhat peltate,
S y n . Sibthorpia europsea. Linn. Sp. PI. 880. Hudf.
276. With. 556. Hull. 138. Dickf. Dr. PL 76.
S. proftrata. Salijb. Ic. 11. t. 6.
Alfine fpuria pufilla repens, foliis Saxifragae aureas.
Rail Syn. 352.
T h i s curious and moft diftinft genus was named by Lin-
nseus in honour of Dr. Humphrey Sibthorp, fucceflor to
Dillenius in the Botanic chair at Oxford. His fon, the late
Profefl'or John Sibthorp, has richly earned his inheritance of
the honour, by his indefatigable zeal in the purfuit of the fame
fcience, to which indeed he fell a facrifice. To the writer of this,
no ftranger to his merit and abilities, the arrangement of his
Grecian treafures is now entrufted. His knowledge of the plants
of his own country is difplayed in a work publifhed not very
long before his death, and often cited by us, the Flora Oxo-
■ menjis.
The only genuine fpecies of Sibthorpia is that before us, fo
that the fpecific character is now fuperfluous. It grows in ftiady
places, and about fprings in Cornwall and Devonfhire, where
Mr. Sowerby gathered this fpecimen. It flowers from June to
Auguft, and is perennial.
Root fibrous. Stems proftrate, creeping to a great extent,
branched, flender and delicate, leafy, hairy. Leaves alternate,
on footflalks, horizontal, kidney-fliaped, with {hallow diftant
notches, hairy. Flower-ftalks axillary, folitary, fhort, fingle-
flowered, hairy as well as the calyx. Corolla pale yellow, with
a purplilh tinge in the three upper fegments. Stamina inclined
to each fide in pairs, very Ihort. Stigma peltate. Capfule containing
but few feeds.