P A P A V E R hybrîdum.
Mongrel Poppy.
P O L T A N D R I A Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Calyx two-leaved. Corolla of four petals.
Capfule one- celled ; difcharging its feeds by
pores under the ftigma.
Spec. Char. Capfules nearly globular, with a very
unequal furface, briftly. Stem leafy, many-flowered.
S yn. Papaver hybridum. Linn. Sp. PI. 725.' HudJ.
FI. An. 230. With. Bot. Arr. 550. Relb. Cant.
Papaver laciniato folio, capitulo hifpido rotundiore.
Rail Sÿn. 308.
G a t h e r e d in the neighbourhood of Dartford by Mr.
Lewin, and near Norwich by Mr. Pitchford. It is occafionally
met with here and there in cultivated ground, but never in
any great quantity. It has a fmall annual root, and flowers
in the middle of fummer. The Item is weak, much branched,
and fpreading; the divifions of the leaves linear, and very
narrow, flowers fmall, deep crimfon, or purplifh; pollen
bright blue. The briftles of the germen are erect, and nearly
as large and ftrong as on the ripe capfule; but on the latter
they Hand out in every direction, being only a little curved