S T A CH Y S arvenfis.
Corn Woundwort.
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/ / /
DID YNAMI A Gymnofpermia.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, awned. Upper lip of the
. corolla vaulted; lower reflexed at the tides, the
large middle fegment notched. Stamina when old
bent outwards.
Spec. Char. Six flowers in a whorl. I Stem weak.
Leaves heart-thaped, obtufe, crenate, flightlyhairy,
S vn. Stachys arvenfis. *Linn. Sp. PI. 814. Sm. FI.
Brit. 634. Hud/. 260. With. 532. Hull. 132.
Relb. 234. Sibtb. 187. Curt. Lond.fafc. 4. /. 41.
Hick/. H. Sicc.fafc. 15. 7.
Sideritis humilis, lato obtufo folio. Rail Sjm. 242.
C OMMON in gravelly, chalky, or light fandy fields, flower?
ing in July and Auguflr.
The root is fmall and annual. Stems fpreading, often pro-
ftrate, weak, branched, leafy, fquare, hairy or fmooth.
Leaves oppofite, on fhort ftalks, ovate or a little heart-fhaped,
obtufe, crenate, in fome degree three-nerved at the bafe,
more or lefs flightly hairy on both fides. Whorls feveral, of
6 flowers each. Calyx tubular, hairy, with fringed teeth.
Corolla fcarcely projecting beyond them, variegated with
white and pale purple.
No ufes or peculiar properties are afcribed to this herb, nor
has it any beauty to boaft. It partakes of the difagreeable
fmell of others of the fame genus. As a weed it gives little
trouble, though not unfrequent in kitchen gardens on a light
foil, being eafily eradicated when the firft flowers appear.
Aft Lt JSCdJ’uMlJhett ly JadSowcrby. I.on 1/0