f o C 37 1
P O T E N T I L L A verna.
Spring Cinquefoil.
IC 0 S A N D R I A Polygyma.
G en. Char. Calyx in ten fegments. Petals five.
Seeds rcundifh, naked, affixed to a fmall dry re-
. ceptacle.
Spec. Char. Radical leaves quinate, fharply ferrated,
blunted at the tips; ftem-leaves ternate. Stem
Syn. . Potentilla verna. Linn. Sp. PL 712. HudJ.
FI. An. 224. With. Bot. Atr. 533. Relh. Cant.
J9 7 -
CoMMUNICATID from the neighbourhood of Bury,
in April laft, by Sir Thomas Cullum, Bart. It is a native of
dry elevated paftures in many parts of Britain, as Gogmagog
hills; but efcaped the notice of Ray.
The flems are almoft proflrate, and fpread very far in a
circular direction among grafs and other plants. As the feafon
advances they turn red, as well as the leaves ; which colour,
intermixed with the bright yellow of the flowers, makes a
flriking contrail ; fo that it feems wonderful the plant fhould
have been overlooked. Haller obferves, that it is a very variable
fpecies, and approaches fo nearly to many others, that its
characters and fynonyms are fcarcely to be made out.