DID Y NA MI A* Angiqfpermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 5 fegmcnts. Cor. with a prominence
at its bafe, pointing downwards and bearing
honey. Cap/. 2-celIed.,
Spec. Char. Leaves halberd-{haped, alternate. Stems
Svn. Antirrhinum Elatine. Linn,Sp.Pl.8$i. Sm.
Fl. Brit. 658. HudJ. 271. With. 549. Hull. 138.
Relh. 242. Sibtb. 195. Abbot. 1 3 7 ., Curt. Lond.
fafc. i. t. 46.
Linaria Elatine didfa folio acuminate*. Rail Syn,
F O U N D with the preceding at Shepey by Mr. Sowerbv. It
is more common than that in corn-fields on a gravelly or calcareous
foil; flowering from July to September.
Root annual. Stems and general habit much the fame as in
A .fpurium, except that this is in all refpedts a more {lender
plant; and the flowers are fmaller. The halberd-fhaped leaves
eflentially diftinguiflyt, though the lower ones approach to a
roundiih form. Flower-ftalks capillary, and moftly fmooth.
Segments of the calyx approaching to lanceolate. Corolla yellow
with a violet upper lip. Seeds very rugged, as in A. Cym-
lalaria. This fpecies alfo has occafionally regular flowers. The
abortive fifth ftamen appears to be conftant, and fhews, among
many other circumftances, the clofe affinity between the Order
in Linnseus to which thefe plants belong, and the Pentandria