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S T A C H Y S fylvatica.
Hedge Woundwort.
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D I D T N A M I A Gymnofperm'ta.
Geît. C har. Upper-lip of the corolla vaulted ; low-
er-Iip reflexed at the tides, the large middle ferment
notched. Stamina after fhedding their pollen
divaricated. r
Spec. Char. Six flowers in a whorl. Leaves heart- lhaped, on footflalks.
S yn. Stachys fylvatica. Linn. Sp. PI. 8 n . Limit
FI. An. 259. With. Bat. Arr. 612. ed. ? v {'
5 3 1 - Relh. Cant. 229. Sikh. Ox. 186. Curt.
Lond.fafc. 3. t. 34.
Galeopfls légitima Diofcoridis. Raii Syn. 237.
REQUENT under hedges and in other fhady places, flower-
ing in July and Auguft. '1 he name of fylvatica, which feems
to have originated with Rivmus, is not well applied to this
fkuafo* nemorof a wou^ more accurately exprefs its general
Root perennial, creeping, but not very extenfively. Stems
2 feet high, erect, but little branched, fquare, hairy, leafy.
Leaves on footflalks heart-fhaped, acute, ftrongly ferrated,
rough, thin and pliable when handled, of a deep dull green
the upper ones on fhorter footflalks, and gradually diminifhing
to lanceolate entire bradtex. Spike ere ft, terminal, confifting
of many clofe whorls of 6 flowers each. Calyx brownifh, with
5 Lrge fliarp teeth. Flowers of a deep dull blood-colour, pret-
tily marbled about the orifice with a darker hue intermixed
with white. Their tube is cylindrical, with a fmall pouch on
the under fide near the bafe, fimilar to what maybe obferved
in lome lpecies of Origanum.
• T.hil w b r n ,a « ent foet^ fmell when rubbed, approache
s a B 3Ck Horehound- is one of thofe that powerfully
affedt the nerves, and may therefore prove no contemptible
ftimulant if judicioufly ufed. Haller refers it to his genus of
Lardiaca, the limits of which are not well defined. 6
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