^>'3 [ 2579 ]
ROSA dumetorum.
Vowny-stalked Dog-rose.
1COSANDR1A Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. urn-shaped, fleshy* contracted at
the orifice, terminating in 5 segments. Petals 5.
Seeds numerous, bristly, fixed to the inside of the
Spec. Char. Fruit ovate, smooth. Flower-stalks
villous, somewhat bristly, clustered. Prickles of
the stem hooked. Leaflets ovate, doubly serrated,
slightly hairy beneath. Footstalks very downy.
S yn. Rosa dumetorum. Pers. Syn.pars 2. sect, 1. 5 0 ?
' Borrer,
G a t h e r e d in bushy places in Sussex, flowering in July,
and ripening fruit in October, by Mr, W. Borrer, who has paid
great attention to our native Roses, hitherto much neglected,
and who thinks the present may belong to the above synonym.
We have a specimen of the safhe from Switzerland, if we mistake
not, which the late Mr. Davall supposed to be new.
This plant differs from R. canina, t. 992, in having very
downy footstalks, leaflets rounder and flatter, doubly serrated,
with hairy ribs and veins beneath, and flowerstalks either villous
and bristly, or only villous, with soft spreading permanent hairs,
rarely smooth. These hairs, and the double .serratures, distinguish
it from collina, t. 1895, with which its downy footstalks
agree. The flower is smaller and paler than in either of these
two species. There is no other British Rose with which this can
be confounded. The bush is more robust than canina, with very
strong hooked prickles. The styles accord with that species;
not with those of arvensis or collina.