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C L E M A T I S Vitalba.
'Traveller's Joy.
P 0 L Y A N D R IA Poly^ynla»
Gen. Char. Cal. none. Petals 4 to 6. Seeds caudate.
Receptacle a little round head.
Spec. Char. Leaves pinnate; leaflets heart-fhaped;
footftalks twining.
S yn. Clematis Vitalba. Linn. Sp. PI. 766. Hudf. 238.
With. 500. Relh. 209. Sibth. 170. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 4. t. 37.
C. latifolia' feu Atragene quibufdam. Rail Syn. 258.
P L E N T IFU L about hedges and bulhy places, but only in
calcareous countries. It often covers the broken precipices of
limeftone rocks with a rich mantling tapeftry, or hangs in fef-
toons by the road fide, gratifying the traveller with its fragrant
white blofloms, which are produced throughout the month of
July, or longer, in great profufion. In the autumn and winter
the filvery plumes of its feeds afford a ftill more beautiful fpec-
The Hems are long, perennial, intricate and branching,
clothed with oppofite pinnated leaves, whofe leaflets are heafit-
fhaped, veiny, nearly fmooth, entire or unequally ferrated.
Their long twilling footftalks, which are permanent though the
leaves all fall off, fupport the plant upon other fhrubs. Panicles
axillary, forked, leafy, downy. Petals 4, leathery, downy
on both fides. Seeds feveral, affixed to a fmall round knob, and
each terminating in a long feathery awn.