7/0 ( 6 6 7 )
G A L E O P S I S verficolor.
Large-flowered, Hemji-Nettle.
D 1 D Y N A M l A G y m n o f p e r m i a .
G est. Char. Cal. five-cleft, awned. Upper lip of
the corolla notched, vaulted ; lower with 2 teeth
on its upper fide.
Spec. Char. Stem briftly, fwelled below the joints.
Corolla three times as long as the calyx ; its upper
lip inflated.
Syn. Galeopfis verficolor. Curt. Lond. fafe. 6. t. 38.
G. cannabina. With. 529. Hull. 132.
G. Tetrahit /3. Linn. Sp. PI. 810. § Hudf. 237.
Lamium cannabino folio, flore amplo luteo, Iabio
purpureo. Rail Syn. 241.
I N our 3d volume, p. 207, we have already promifed a figure
of this plant as a variety of Galeopjis Tetrahit, but we now
alfent to the opinion of thofe who judge it a diftin£t fpecies.
It is conftant in its appearance and characters, propagating
itfelf by feed : the corolla is 3 or 4 times as long as the calyx,
large and fwelling, with a much more inflated or hollow upper
lip than in any variety of the Tetrahit; and, to common obfer-
vers, theftriking purple fpot on the lower lip, fo elegantly con-
trafted with the other yellow hues, at once diftinguifhes it.
The leaves are alfo broader, and of a brighter paler green than
m that fpecies. The ftem is much inclined to purple; the root
annual; the flowers appear from June to September. It is
found on a fandy, gravelly, and fomewhat boggy foil in th«
north of England, and feveral parts of Norfolk, and is fome-
times called the Bee Nettle. Our fpecimens were communicated
from Caftle Riling by the Hon. Mrs. Howard, and from
near Birmingham by Mrs. Corrie. It is found plentifully at
Aflrill, Norfolk, by the Rev. Mr. Watts. It is eafily raifed
from feed, and is by no means unworthy of a place in the