k A N U N C U L U S parviflorus.
Small-flowered Crow-foot.
/S o
P O L T A N D R. I A Polygynia•
GeNl Char. Cal. five-leaved. Petals five, with a honey
bearing pore on the infide of the claw of each.
Seeds naked.
Spec. Char. Seeds rough on the fides, with hooked
tubercles. Leaves Ample, hairy, jagged, their feg-
ments acute. Stem proftrate.
Syn. Ranunculus parviflorus. Linn. Sp. PI. 780.
HudJ. FI. An. 242. With. Bet. Arr. 577. Relh.
Cant. 215.
R. hirfutus annuus flore minimo. Raii Syn. 248.
/. 12. ƒ. 1.
VJATHERED about Lee-Bridge, near Walthamftow, by Mr.
B. M. Forfter, in May laft. It is an annual of very humble
growth, occurring fometimes in dry gravelly places, but not
frequently ; nor does it obtrude itfelf on the notice of the paf-
fenger by any fhewy blofibms, or elegance of form or colour.
The fibrous root throws out many proftrate fpreading
branched Items, which are round, hollow, leafy, and clothed
like the leaves with long, fpreading, foft hairs. The footftalks
are rather long, and dilated at their bafe into a pair of membranous
ftipulae ; lower leaves flightly lobed, upper ones deeply
fo, and all crenate; but the trailing branches often produce,
towards their extremities, fimple lanceolate entire leaves. The
flower-ftalks Hand folitary, oppofite to the leaves, each bearing
a very fmall yellow flower, whofe petals are fo minute and fugacious,
pollibly fo imperfect, they can rarely be feen in their
proper form and number. This fpecies is chara£terized very
clearly by its comprefled feeds, whofe fides are rough with
thick-fet tubercles, each of which ends in a hooked point.
Thefe feeds ripen in June and July.