DIDYNAMIA Gymnoffermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. nearly regular, 4-
cleft; its broadeft fegment notched. Stamina
eretftj diftant.
Spec. Char. Spikes capitate, very blunt. Leaves
on foot-ftalks, beartlhaped, naked on both tides.
Calyx and flower-ftalks perfectly fmooth.
Syn. Mentha odorata. Sole Menth. 21. t. 9. Sm. Fl.
Brit. 6x5. Tr. of L. Soc. v. 5. 192. Hull. 127.
ITH no fmall pleafure we received from the Rev. Mr.
Abbot, in September laft, fpecimens of this Mint, which he
confiders as undoubtedly wild in a ditch near Bedford. We
know of no other fituation, except (according to Mr. Sole) in
Chelhire and North Wales, where it is known to grow.
In general form this fpecies refembles M. hirfuta in its leaft
hairy Rate, but it differs from that plant in having rather
more heart-fhaped leaves, a ftrong and fragrant fmell like that
of Bergamot, or Monarda didyma, and above all in being in
every part perfectly deftitute of hairinefs. The fmoothnefs of
its flower-ftalks and calyx, fo conftant in every foil and fituation
(as we have carefully obferved) fufficiently diftinguifhes
it from the hirfuta, and indeed the form of the calyx is lefs
like the calyx of hirfuta than of piperita, a fpecies in other re-
fpefts abundantly different from this.
M. odorata has long been known to gardeners by the name
of Orange or Bergamot Mint. Mr. Sole firft publifhed it as
an Englifh plant. The herb often affumes a purple colour.
The corolla is handfome, and more of a reddifh hue than in
moft Mints. Miller intended this plant under the name of
rubra, but has fabricated his defcription from another fpecies,
as is fully explained in Tr. o fL . Soc. v. 5. 188.
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