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Lejfer Snapdragon.
BIDYNAM1A Angiofpermia.
Gen. Char. C a l in 5 fegments. Cor. with a prominence
at its bate, pointing downwards and
bearing honey. Capf. 2-celled.
Spec.Char. Corolla not elongated into a fpur. Flowers
Ioofely fpiked. Calyx finger-fhaped, longer than
the corolla.
Syn. Antirrhinum Orontium. Linn. Sp. P I 860.
Sm. FI. Brit. 66a. Hudf. 274. With. 552.
Hull. 139. Curt. Lond.fafc. 4. t. 45. Dickf. H.
Sicc. fafc. 11. 9.
A. anguftifolium iylveftre. Raii Syn. *283.
T h IS is not an uncommon plant in dry fields on a fandy,
gravelly, or chalky foil, fo that we are rather furprifed to find
it not mentioned in any of our three provincial Floras. This
fpecimen was gathered at Batterfea by Mr. Groult in July
Root annual, fmall. Herb flightly hairy. Stem erefi,
branched, round. Leaves alternate, lanceolate, entire.
Spikes terminal, folitary, Ample, lax, leafy, o f feveral nearly
feffile rofe-coloured flowers, the deep linear fegments of whofe
calyxes juft equal the corolla in length when firft expanded,
but foon grow much beyond it. The palate of the flower
is yellow with white edges. The Rev. Mr. Forby found in
Norfolk a variety with a white corolla and violet lips, which
remains conftant in a garden. The capfule of this Antirrhinum
exhibits the whimfical refemblance of a monkey’s, or perhaps
more accurately, a bat’s face, when prefented in front. The
feeds are quadrangular. The calyx and flower-ftalk are flightly