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C I S T U S marifolius.
Hoary D w a rf Cijius.
P OLY A N D RIA Moiwgynia.
G en. Ch a r. Cal. of 5 leaves, 2 of which are fmaller
than the reft. Petals 3. Capf. with 3 valves.
Spec. Ch a r. Shrubby, without ftipulae. Leaves op-
pofite, on footftalks, oblong, flat, hoary beneath.
Sy n. Ciftus marifolius. Linn. Sp. PI. 741. Berk. Qutl.
ed. 1. v. 2. 150.
C. hirfutus. Hudf. FI. An. ed. 1. 206. ed. 2. 232.
C. anglicus. Linn. Mant. 245. With. Bot. Arr.
C. canus. Jacq* FI. Aujlr. v. 3. t. 277.
Helianthemum alpinum, folio Pilofellae minoris
Fuchfii. Rail Syn. 342.
H. ferpilli folio incano, flore minore luteo, inodoro.
Dill. Elth. v. 1. 177. t. 145./. 173.
G R O W S on rocks in Weftmoreland and Lancafhire, but
rarely. We receive(J it from Mr. Robfon.
The roots are long, woody and perennial. Stems numerous,
woody, branched and decumbent at the bafe, riling to the height
of 3 or 4 inches, round, leafy, downy. Leaves oppofite, on
fhortilh downy footftalks, fpreading, flat, entire, more or lefs
elliptical, but very various in length; green above, clothed with
depreffed briftles; white and very hoary beneath. Stipulae
none. Flowers terminal, each on a long flender flower-ftalk,
forming a fmall racemus, drooping at firft, ere£t at the time
of expanlion. Calyx hairy, with feveral brown ribs. Petals
obovate, entire, flightly waved. Germen ovate, fmooth, with
3 or 4 hairy lines. Style curved. The flowers appear in May
and June.
From the multiplicity of fynonyms above quoted, which we
have afcertained from original fpecimens, it is evident how little
this fpecies has been underftood. By what chance Dr. Ber-
kenhout difcovered it to be the C. marifolius of Linnaeus, and
was thus induced to go counter to the opinion of Hudfon, we
know not; but he certainly was right, though difregarded by
later writers. It is no lefs furpriling that Mr. Hudfon Ihould
defcribe this plant as new, when every defcription and fynonym
of C. marifolius agrees with it. Linnaeus in the 2d Mantiffa,
his laft and leaft corre£t work, admitted Hudfon’s plant by
the name of anglicus, and defcribes the powers as white, which
they very rarely are. Jacquin took the* fame plant for C. canus
of Linnaeus, a? very different fpecies.