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G A L E O P S I S Lai’anum.
Red Hemp-Nettle.
DIDYNAMIA Gymnoffermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, awned. Upper lip
the corolla notched, vaulted : lower with 2 teeth
on its upper fide.
Spec. Char. Stem not fwelled below the joints.
Leaves lanceolate, more or lefs ferrated, hairy.
Upper lip of the corolla flightly notched.
S y n . Galeopfis Ladanum. Linn. Sp. PI. 810. Sm. FI.
Brit. 628. Hud/. 256. With. 528. Hull. 132.
Relh. 227. Silth. 184. A llot. 129.
Sideritis arvenfis rubra. Rail Syn. 242.
A NATIVE of dry gravelly, or more efpecially chalky,
cornfields, flowering in Augufl: and September. It is not
mentioned by Mr. Lightfoot as growing in Scotland, but we
have received from A. Bruce, Efq. fpecimens gathered in that
country oil dry limeftone rubbifh.
Root annual, fibrous. Stem about a foot high, oppofitely
branched, fquare, mod hairy upwards with deflexed hairs, of
bn equal thicknefs throughout, often red. Leaves on ftalks,
lanceolate or inclining to ovate, more or lefs ferrated ; veins
hairy beneath : the upper fide clothed with clofe-prefled
fcattered hairs. Calyx hairy or woolly, the teeth pungent,
the hairs often glandular and vifcid. Corolla of a rofe-colour,
varioufly intermingled with crimfon and white, hairy, the
upper lip but flightly crenate. The Rev. Mr. Forby has found
the terminal flower fometimes regularly four-cleft, as in G. Te-
trahit, fee t. 207.
Our fpecimen here figured, as well as thofe from Scotland,
agrees in the form and ferratures of the leaves with thofe in
the Linnsean herbarium. In Norfolk a variety with narrower
and almoft entire leaves is moil frequent.
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