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T R O L L I U S europseus.
P O L T A N D R I A Polygynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. none. Petals about fourteen. Cap-
Jules feveral, ovate, many-feeded.
Spec. Char. Corolla clofed. Neftaries the length of
the ftamina.
Syn, Trollius europaeus. Linn. Sp. PL 782. HudJ.
FI. An. 244. Light/. FI. Scot. 295. With. Bot_
Arr. 580.
Ranunculus globofus. Ran Syn. 272.
T h i s is one of the moft fplendid ornaments of groves and
thickets in the mountainous parts of Yorklhire and Weftmore-
land. In the latter it is by no means an uncommon plant, but
is collected in abundance, and with great feftivity, by the youth
of both fexes, about the beginning of June; at which time it is
ufual to fee them return from the woods in an evening laden
with its bloffoms, with wreaths and garlands of which they deck
their doors and cottages, and f‘ make hafte to crown them-
felves with its beautiful buds before they be withered.” The
Scottiih and Swedifh peafants are no lefs partial to it. See
In the fouthern parts of England we meet with this plant in
gardens only ; our fpecimen is therefore- a cultivated one. It
has been compared with dried wild ones, and does not in
any refpedt differ from them. The root is fibrous and perennial,
and thrives belt in a moifl fhady fituation.
In habit and fenfible qualities the Trollius agrees with the
Hellebores and R anunculufes, but is lefs acrid than moft of