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C A L T H A paluftris.
Marjh Marigold.
P O L Y A N D R I A Polygytiia.
Gen. Char. Cal. none. Petals $. Nectaries none.
Capfules feveral, with many feeds.
Spec. Char...............
Syn. Caltha paluftris. Linn. Sp. PL 784. Hudf. 245.
With. 511. Relh. 217. Sibth. 176. Curt. Lond.
fafc. 1. /. 40.
Populago. Raii Syn. 272.
C a l t HA is one of the ancient names of Marigolds in
general, and is retained by Linnaeus for this plant with, the
more propriety, as being derived from calathus, a cup, to
which the flowers of the marfh marigold have more refem-
blance than thofe of any other kind. The genus of Caltha,
of which this is the only fpecies, is greatly allied to Lrolluis,
but has fewer petals, and wants the petal-like neftaries of that
genus. The Trollius has alfo fewer feeds in each capfule,than
the Caltha.
This plant is found plentifully in moift meadows, and about
rivers and brooks, flowering early in the fpring, when its
brilliant blofloms make a very ornamental appearance. They
are fometimes found double, and in that date are cultivated
in gardens ; but the flower in its natural Angle form is larger,
and, to the admirer of genuine Nature, much more beautiful.
The root is perennial, and confids of many Ample fibres.
Stem upright, a foot and half high, a little branched, leafy,
roundilh, furrowed.. Leaves heart-lhaped, crenate, veiny,
fmooth, of a deep fhining green ; the radical ones on long
femicylindrical hollow foot-dalks, the others alternate and
nearly felfile. Stipula on the infide of the foot-ftalk, fheath-
ing, membranous, foon withering. Flowers axillary, folitary,
on fimple ftalks, and confiding of five large equal roundilh
concave petals of a golden hue, as are alfo the ftamina and
piftilla.— The young buds are pickled as a fubftitute for capers,
which they greatly refemble in form, and perhaps equal in
merit, for both are acrid, and only rendered eatable by the acid
pickle* The true caper buds are eafily diftinguilhed by their
fimple germen.