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M E L I T T I S Meliffophyllum.
Reddijh Bajlard-Balm.
D ID Y N A M I A Gymnofpermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. unequal, wider than the tube of
the corolla. Cor. upper lip flat; lower three-
lobed, crenate. Anther# cohering crofs-wife.
Spec. Char. Calyx three-lobed.
Syn. Melittis Meliflophyllum. Linn. Sp. PI. 83a*
Hudf. 264. With. 539.
Melifla Fuchfii. Ran Syn. 242. Camer. Hort.
t. 30.
T h IS beautiful plant is found in woods and hedges in federal
parts of the Weft of England; Ray fays about Totnefs,
Devonfhire, and Haverford-weft, Pembrokefhire; and Hudfon
in the New Foreft. Specimens gathered by Mr. Lightfoot
in St. Leonard’s Foreft, Suffex, and near Netley Abbey, Hamp-
fhire, are in his herbarium atFrogmore, and exactly agree with
ours, which is the produce of a root brought by Mr. Hudfon
from the Weft to Chelfea-garden, where it continues unaltered
by culture. Another moft diftinft fpecies, whofe calyx is
four-lobed, and corolla different in fize and colour from this,
has been figured by Mr. Curtis as the Englifh kind, FI. Lond.
fafc. 6. t. 39. I f therefore he has not confufed himfelf with
a garden fpecimen, there are two fpecies of Melittis in England,
which we fhall take an opportunity of afcertaining further
when in our power. Hitherto we have never feen authentic
fpecimens of any other than this, the true M. melijfo-
phyllum of Linnaeus.
It is perennial, and flowers in May. The whole herb has,
when frefh, rather an offenfive fmell; when dried it fmells
like new hay, as is the cafe alfo with the other, which we beg
leave to call M. grandijlora.
Root fibrous. Stems upright, Ample, 18 inches high, leafy,
fquare, hairy. Leaves oppofite, on footftalks, ovate, ferrated,
hairy, fometimes obtufe. Flowers axillary, about 3 on each
fide, and often leaning one way. Calyx campanulate, ample,
coloured, three-lobed; the upper lobe longeft, acute, often
dentate on each fide; the fide-ones equal, pointed or notched.
Corolla large, handfome, externally flefh-coloured, internally
whitifh, the lip marked with a divided crimfon fpot.