P R U N U S Cerafüs.
Wild Cherry-tree.
t C 0 S A N D H I A Monogynia,
G en. Ch a r. Cal. 5-cleft, inferior. Pet. 5. Stone
of the drupa with flightly prominent feams.
Spec. Ch a r. Umbels nearly feffile. Leaves ovato-
lanceolate, folded when young.
Sy n. Prunus Cerafus. Linn. Sp. PI. 679. Sm. FI.
Brit. 526. Iludf. 213. With. 455. Hull. 108.
Relh. 189. Sibth. 155. Allot. 107.
P. avium. With. 456. Hull. 108. Sibth.
Abbot. 107*
Cerafus tylveftris fru&u rubro, et fruftu nigro.
Rail Syn. 463.
C u l t i v a t e d plants in general are liable to fo many
alterations, we can fcarcely fay when we meet with them in a
truly natural ftate, or which variety has the greateft claim
to originality. This is the cafe with the wild black cherry
here delineated, and the ftill more common red one. • The
firft is the P. avium of Britifh writers, but by no means
certainly the avium of Linnaeus, which he fays has a red fruit.
However that may be, there can be no doubt of this and thé
common red P. Cerafus being one fpecies, which, like the apple
pear, goofeberry, &c. varies almoft infinitely in the flavour*
colour, and fize of its fruit. 5
Both the wild cherries flower in May, when, as Linmeus
elegantly expreffes himfelf, Pomona, drefl'ed in her fnow-white
garment, celebrates her nuptials. The fruit ripens in Auguft
The tree is known by its polifhed afh-coloured bark. Each
leaf when young is folded; and more or lefs downy beneath.
Umbels of few flowers, produced by different buds from the
leaves, always white, and with copious ftamina not all in
perfection at once, fo that the impregnation lefs rarely fails
than in fome other fruits. Stipulae toothed, glandular Calvx
reflexed. y
This genus _ is no lefs ftriking an example than the Riles
t. 704, of the infertion of the ftamina into the calyx indicating
a wholefome fruit in fpite of any other fign to the contrary
Many offots fpecies, as the Padus and Lauro-cerafus, are in
all their parts, except the pulpy fruit, as poifonous as any
vegetable we know. The fruit, though not always pleafant or
wholefome, is never dangerous.