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E U P H O R B I A paralia.
Sea Spurge.
D O D E C A N D R I A Trigynia.
G e n. Char. Cor. of three or four petals, Handing on
the calyx. Cal. of one leaf, inflated. CapJ.
Spec. Char. Umbel moflly five-branched, branches
cloven. Partial flower-leaves heart-kidney-ftiaped.
Leaves imbricated, ereft.
Syn. Euphorbia Paralias. Linn. Sp. PI. 657. Hudf. FI.
An. 209. With'. Bot. Arr. 496.
Tithymalus paralius. Rail Syn. 312.
O n the fandy fhores of the fea in various parts of England.
Mr. Lightfoot does not mention it as a native of Scotland.
The root is ftrong, woody, and perennial. Stems numerous,
about a foot high, furnilhed near the bafe with feveral ereft
leafy branches, and terminated by a large fpreading umbel of
four to fix rays, fet with numerous involucra or flower-leaves,
which vary in their form from a kidney to a heart-fhape, and
accompany fmall folitary flowers, with orange-coloured crefcent-
Ihaped petals. The herb is rendered confpicuous by its very
glaucous colour, and its numerous imbricated leaves, concave
above, and convex on their under fide, which laft is the only
part vifible as they grow. In plants fo circumftanced no doubt
the light a£ts on the under fide of their leaves, though in moft
that part will not bear its influence.
This fpecies flowers in Auguft and September.
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