, ' i k t 829 ]
S T A C H Y S Ogermanica.
Downy Woundwort.
DIH Y NA MIA Gymnofpermia.
Geu. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, avvned. Upper lip of the
corolla vaulted ; lower reflexed at the tides, the
large middle fegment notched. Stamina when
old bent outwards.
Spec. Char. Many flowers in a whorl. Leaves
crenate. Stem woolly, ere£h
S y n . Stachys germanica. Linn. Sp. PI. 812. Sm,
FI. Brit. 634. Hudf. 259. With. 532. Hull. 132.
Sibth. 186.
S. Fuchlii. Rail Syn. 239.
J n corn-fields' and by way-fides on the limeftone foil of
Oxfordfhire the, Stachys germanica has long been obferved;
but the Rev. Mr. Hemfted difeovered this plant on a hill
a miles from Bedford in September laft, a new Britifh
Ration for it, from whence he favoured us with the prefent
The root is perennial. Whole herb remarkably invefted
with a white foft filky pubefcence, in which refpect it is only inferior
to the garden Stachys Janata, a fpecies that differs from it
befides in having blunter leaves, ftems procumbent at the bafe,
and taking root at that part. The ftems of our plant are ere£t.
Leaves ovate, rather pointed, fharply crenate, reticulated with
veins, filky above, moft woolly beneath ; the radical ones on
long ftalks; the reft fmaller and nearly feffile. Whorls
axillary, numerous, many-flowered ; the upper ones crowded.
Brafteae linear. Flowers purple within, ftreaked about the
mouth with white; their outfide whitifh and very downy,
efpecially the upper lip. Stamina hairy. Seeds roundifh, black.