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H E L L E B O R U S fcetidus.
Stinking Hellebore.
P O L Y A N D R 1A Polygyma.
Gen. Char. Cal. none. Petals 5 or more. Neflaries
tubular, two-lipped. Capfules compreffcd, nearly
upright, with many feeds.
Spec. Char. Stem many-flowered, leafy. Leaves pedate.
Petals doled.
Syn. Helleborus fcetidus. Linn. Sp. P I 784. Hudf.
245. With. 510. Relh. 2x8. Sibth. 177. Abbot.
124. Woodv. Med. JBot. t. 19.
Helleborafler maximus. Raii Syn.. 271.
A N A T IV E of paftures and thickets on a chalky foil, but
not very common. It is plentiful on the Caftle-hill at Caftle
Acre, Norfolk. Our fpecimen was fent by the Rev. Mr. Abbot
from Bedford. It is one of the earliell of our native flowers,
being commonly in full perfection in March, and often fo early
as January or February. V;
Root perennial. Stem branching, bufhy, round, fmooth,
as is the whole herb. Leaves fpreading, of a very dark dull
green, pedate, the lobes lanceolate and ferrated. Flowers pani-
cled, of a pale green, as are likewife the numerous lanceolate
brafteae and whole of the inflorefcence; but the petals (which
are always clofed, not fpreading) are externally tipped with dull
purple. Nectaries notched in the margin, full of pellucid honey.
Styles 3 or 4. The whole herb is foetid, acrid, and dangeroufly
The number of ftylcs, in oiir two Britifh Hellebores at leaft,
is fcarcely fufflcient to lead the ftudent to feek this genus in
the order polygynia. In other fpecies they are more numerous.