[ I0 45 ]
B A R T S I A vifcofa.
Yellow Vifcid Bartjia.
J Ojl,
DIDYNAMIA Angiofpermia.
Gen. Char. Cal. in 4 lobes, moftly coloured. Cor.
ringent, with a contracted orifice : upper Up concave,
longeft ; lower in 3 equal reflexed lobes.
Cap/, ovate, comprefled, with 2 cells, and many
angular feeds.
Spec. Char. Leaves ferrated : the upper ones alternate.
Flowers lateral and diftant. Antherae hairy.
Syn. Bartfia vifcofa. Linn. Sp. PI. 839. Sm. FI.
Brit. 648. Hudf. 267. With. 541. Hull. 136.
Lightf. 321. t. 14. Dick/. Dr. PI. 72.
Euphrafia major lutea latifolia paluftris. Rail Syn.
* 2 8 5 . ________ _
G a t h e r e d by S. Hailllone, efq. near Blackpool and
Scarefbrick, Lancafhire, flowering in July and Auguft. It is
one of our rareft plants, having been found chiefly in marfliy
parts of Devonfhire and Cornwall, and in Argylfhire.
Root annual. Herb downy and vifcid, drying black. Stem
almoft always Ample, ere£t, various in height, round, leafy.
Leaves feflile, oblong or fomewhat ovate, ribbed, rough, deeply
toothed or ferrated ; the lowermoft oppofile; the reft alternate.
Flowers axillary, folitary, nearly feflile. Calyx tubular, ribbed,
regular, pale or whitifh at the bafe. Corolla yellow; its upper
lip undivided; lobes of the lower obtufe, nearly equal, ftriped at
their bafe. Antherae hairy, with 2 fharp lobes. Capfule ovate,
ribbed, purplith, hairy, efpecially upwards. Seeds very numerous,
minute, fomewhat angular, by no means either comprefled
or winged.
Great difficulties attend the generic difcrimination of Bartfia,
Rbinantbus, Melampyrum and Euphrafia. We are not fure
that Rbinantbus Trixago of Linnaeus is not the very fame thing
with his and opr Bartfia vifcofa ; but we are certain our plant
cannot be a Rbinantbus on account of the feeds, which, with
the antherae, afford the beft marks for diftinguifhing thefe genera.
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