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G A L E O B D O L O N luteum.
Yellow Archangel.
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DID Y KAMI A Gymnojpermia.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-cleft, unequal, awned. Upper
lip of the corolla entire, vaulted ; lower in 3 acute
Spec. Char. ...........
Syn. Galeobdolon luteum. Hudf. 258. Sm. FI. Brit.
631. With. 530. Hull. 131. Abbot. 129.
G. Galeopfis, Curt. Rond- fafc. 4. t. 40. Relh. 228.
Sibth. 185.
Galeopfis Galeobdolon, Linn. Sp. Pi. 8x0,
Lamium luteum. Rati Syn. 240,
S o obvious a refemblance to the genus Lamium runs through
almoft every part of this plant, that we cannot blame the old
authors for naming it Lamium luteum. It is perhaps to be
lamented that the ftriCt, though found, laws of fyftematic
botany oblige us to make it a feparate genus, for neither its
natural habit nor eflential characters will allow us to follow
Linnaeus in referring it to Galeopfis. The pointed, uniform,
and almoft equal, fegments of the lower lip, and the perfectly
entire margin of the upper, fufficiently difcriminate it as a genus,
though we know of no other fpecies than that here defcribed,
which is not unfrequent in moift fhady groves, flowering in
Root perennial, a little creeping. Stems upright, Ample,
about a foot high, fquare, as in all this order, clothed with
fcattered deflexed hairs. Leaves ovate, various in breadth,
bright-green, deeply and unequally ferrated, a little hairy.
FloWers whorled, large and handf'ome, yellow, the under lip
elegantly fpotted and ftreaked with red. Calyx-teeth fpreading,
each tipped with a fmall brittle. BraCieae linear.
In fenflble qualities this herb agrees with mod fpecies of
Lamium. No particular virtues are attributed to it, nor does
jts place of growth render it troublefome to the hufbandman.