[ 644 ]
P A P A V E R dubium.
Long-fmooth-headed Popjiy.
POLYANDRI A Monogynia.
G bn. Char. Cal. two-leaved. Petals four. Stigma
radiated. Capjl fuperior, difcharging its feeds by
pores under the tligma.
Spec. Char. Capfules fmooth, oblong. Stem many-
flowered, hairy. Bridles on the flower-flalks clofe-
prefled. Leaves bipinnatifid.
Syn. Papaver dubium. Linn. Sg. PI. 726. Hudf. 230.
With. 487. Hull, i i 6. Relh. 203. Sibth. 165
Abbot. 116. Curt. Lond. fafc. 5. /. 37.
P. laciniato folio, capitulo longiore glabro. Raii
Syn. 309.
1STOT uncommon on a fandy foil, flowering in June, and the
root is annual.
This is a larger plant than the preceding, and at once dif-
tinguifhed by its fmooth pods. Linnaeus by the name dubium
feemed to fufpedt it might not be didindt from the common
Poppy, t. 645, but we believe no fpecies can be better defined.
The ftem is about 2 feet high, leafy, clothed with horizontal
fpreading hairs, while the flower-ftalks are covered with clofe-
prefled bridles. The fegments of the leaves are broader than
in P . Argemone and hybridum, Petals broader than they are
long, crenate, of a palifli fcarlet.. Stamina linear. Pollen
yellow. Stigma with 6 or 8 rays. Germen and capfule oblong,
thicker upwards, flightly furrowed, perfectly fmooth, and
fomewhat glaucous.
The Linnaean character of the clofe-prefled bridles on the
flower-dalks admirably didinguifhes this poppy from P. Rboeas,
the only fpecies with which it could otherwife be confounded*