CHEL IDONIUM hybrid unv. •/
Violet Horned-Poppy.
■ P 0 L, T A N D li IA Monogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Cal. two-leaved. Petals four. Pod linear,
of one cell.
S p e c . C h a r . Flower-ftalks Angle-flowered. Leaves
pinnau’fid, with linear fegments. Stem fmooth.
Pods with three valves.
S y n . Chelidonium hybridum. Linn. Sp. PI. 724. Hudf.
FI. An. 229. IVitb. Bot. Arr. 549. Relb. Cant.
Papaver corniculatum violaceum. Rati Syn. 309.
X HE corn-fields of Cambridgefhire afford this rare plant,
from whence we have juft received it by favour of the Rev.
Mr. Hemfted, flowering in the middle of May, a much earlier
feafon than is attributed to this fpecies by Mr. Hudfon. It was
once obferved in a field 4 miles from Aylfham, in the road from
Norwich to Cromer, but is, we believe, unknown in other
parts of Britain.
The fmall annual root produces one upright, round, much-
branched ftem, clothed with alternate leaves of a dark {hining,
green, often triply pinnatifid, with linear fegments. The calyx
falls off before the flowers are well expanded, and the delicate
violet-coloured petals laft but a very few hours. The ftamina
are capillary, and not very numerous. Germen linear, triangular,
with a furrow along each fide, briftiy towards the fum-
mit, and terminated by three ftigmas. Pod long, of three
valves, producing many feeds. A few hairs are*fometimes
fcattered over the ftem and calyx.
Linnseus imagines the plant before us may have originated
from Papaver Argemone impregnated by fome fpecies of Chelidonium;
but we fee fcarcely any reafon for fuch a fuppofition,
nor can we conceive which Chelidonium he had in view.
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