M o
t 2209 ]
Halm-leaved Figieort.
DIDYNAMIA Angibspermla.
G en. C h a r . Cal. 5-cleft. Cor. somewhat globose,
reversed. Caps, superior, 2-celled.
Spec. C h ar, Leaves heart-shaped, «doubly serrated,
downy beneath. Cluster leafy.
Syn . Scrophularia Scorodonia. Linn. Sp. PI. 864.
Sm. Fl. Brit. 664. Huds. 275. With. 553 Hull,
ed. 2. 183. Dicks. H. Sicc.fasc. 15. 9 ,
S. Scorodonia; folio. Raii Syn.* 283.
F ir s t remarked by Sherard at the sides of rivulets between
the port and St. Hilary, Jersey, and since by Mr. Edward
Lhwyd about St. Ives in Cornwall. In the latter station Hudson,
Dickson and others have gathered this plant, which is
scarcely met with elsewhere in Britain. We have been obliged
to draw a garden specimen, which differs in no respect from
wild ones. It is perennial, and flowers in July and August.
The stems are 2 or 3 feet high, or more, square, leafy,
branched, covered with soft spreading hairs. Leaves stalked,
heart-shaped, various in size and length, acute, doubly serrated,
veiny, 3-nerved at the base as in S. nodosa, t. 1544,
clothed all over, but most abundantly at the back, with soft
downiness. Flowerstalks axillary and terminal, doubly forked;
the upper ones alternate; all together constituting a terminal,
upright, leafy, downy cluster. Flowers paler than in most of
this genus. Calyx downy, obtuse. Capsule smooth, roundish
or ovate, pointed. Seeds numerous, angular.
This is scarcely to be seen but in curious botanic gardens,
having no beauty nor any other quality to recommend it to
general notice.