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J U N C U S uliginofus.
L ittle bulbous Rujh.
G s k .C har. Cal. of 6 leaves, permanent. Cor. none.
Cap/, fupenor of 3 valves, with 1 or 3 cells.
oeeas teveral. Stigmas 3.
Spec. Char. Leaves fetaceous, obfcurely jointed
within Flowers about three together in a kind
o, proliferous clufter. Stem bulbous, taking root
at its joints. 0
S YN Juncus uliginofus. Sibth. 1x5. Sm. F I. B rit. 380
With. 348. Hull. 76. d 9
J . viviparus. Reih. 143. Abbot, jq .
J* articulatus y . Hudf. 150.
Gramen junceum capfulis triangulis minimum. R ail
V ” ' 4 3 4 -
1 V IO IS T fandy or turfy heaths often abound with this
mall fpecies of ruth, which has by fome botanifts been referred
to the Juncus articulatus, becaufe its leaves are {lightly jointed,
°t feparated internal]y ^ to cells; and by others to
J bulbojus, on account of the bulbous bafe of its tlem. In the
aft refpeft it indeed much more truly anfwers to the name
bulbojus than the plant to which Linmeus applied that denomination.
J. uliginofus is unqueftionably a very diftinft fpecies. The
root is perennial and fibrous. Stems bulbous at their bafe and
clothed with the broad red theaths of the radical leaves; in the
upper part they are {lender, leafy, branched in a proliferous
manner, at firft almoft erecft, but foon lying down, and taking
root at their joints. Leaves all {lender, tapering, acute, not
perceptibly jointed on the outfide, fmooth. Flowers about
three together, lateral or terminal. Brade® fmall, acute.
Calyx-leaves acute, three-nerved, generally brownilh. Cap-
fule blunt, with three very {harp angles. It bloffoms in
June or July, and in wet feafons is often viviparous; fee FI
Brit. g.