[ X7 I ]
S E D U M anglicum.
Englijh Stone-crop.
D E C A N D R I A Pentagynia.
G en. Char. Cal. 5-cleft. Petals 5, with 5 nectariferous
fcales at the bafe of the germen. Capfules c
Spec. Char. Leaves thick, ovate, gibbous and loofe
at the bafe, alternate. Cyme of two branches.
S y n . Sedum anglicum. Hudf, F I. An. 196. With.
Pot. A rr. 468. '
S. rubens. Light/. F I. St. 2 3 5 ,
S. minimum non acre, flore albo. R a il Syn. 270,
/. 1 2 . / 2 .
( j OMMUNICATED by Dawfon Turner, Efq. from the
fandy downs near Yarmouth, where it is very abundant, as well
as on the mountains of the north. Dr. Smith gathered it in
Weftmoreland, and on the rock of Dumbarton-caftle in Scotland*
The root is generally fuppofed to be annual, throwing out
many Items, branched and decumbent at their bafe, then upright
and more fimple, round, reddifh, clothed with alternate rather
thick-fet leaves, and terminated by {mail bifid or trifid cymes of
flowers The leaves are very thick and fucculent, oval, glaucous,
with a blunt protuberance at their bafe, below their attachment
to the item. The flowers are at fir ft thickly cluttered
together; but as the cyme expands, they appear more remote,
one always {landing at the firft divarication of the cyme.
The calyx refembles the leaves, and is obtufe. The petals have
a reddiih rib, and are often {potted with the fame colour at their
tip. The capfules are membranous and fmooth.
This fpecies has coil us no fmall trduble to determine accurately.
Of the plants which approach it, Sedum annuum of
Linnaeus has a yellow flower, and much fhorter and broader
leaves. S. atratum has leaves like S. annuum, and very blunt
purple capfules, with red and white petals. Craflula rubens has
a iharper calyx than our plant, and rough, fpreading, ftrong
(not membranous) capfules. Mr. Hudfon and Mr. Lightfoot
were therefore right in making this a fpecies diftin£t from ail
thofe of Linnseus.